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The AFT and dozens of other education and religious groups are watching closely this week as the Supreme Court considers whether to strike down the prohibition on state funding for religious education. The case, Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, examines whether school voucher programs—which use tax-credited donations to pay for scholarships to private schools—must include religious schools among those they fund.

The AFT is among dozens of education, religious and civil rights organizations, and legal experts—along with 10 states—that have filed amicus briefs to protect the ban on


Please enjoy our second edition of the RCG BOCES Teachers' Association Newsletter!

Help us share building level educational successes by submitting your story for the segment "Shared Success" here.


NYSUT Counts is our union's initiative to ensure that every resident of the state is reported in the 2020 Census. The results affect the allocation of $700 billion in federal funding to schools, hospitals, municipalities and needy families.

For equity, fairness and justice, everyone must be counted!

Visit: to learn more!

Pledge to complete the 2020 census!

Talk with your students about the 2020 census using the Educator Resources!


Thank you for all you do!

As the school year draws to a close, all of us at NYSUT want to thank you for your tremendous dedication. It’s been a challenging year — but through it all, you've stood strong and persevered. Over and over, you've shown how public schools are the place where students, parents and educators come together as a community.

U.S. Supreme Court hands down landmark cases

This week, the Supreme Court handed down multiple decisions that will touch the lives of millions of Americans. Earlier this week, in Carson v. Makin, the court laid the groundwork that states must provide publ


Union wins APPR reprieve

Gov. Kathy Hochul Friday signed a bill suspending, for an additional year, the Annual Professional Performance Review process. Advanced through grassroots advocacy from NYSUT members and lobbying by union legislative staff, the bill recently passed both the state Senate and the Assembly.

“As we come to the end of another school year that has been anything but normal, we welcome the governor’s decision to suspend the APPR process for another year,” said NYSUT President Andy Pallotta. “We will continue working with the legislature and the governor to address the APPR


RA 2022 celebrates 50 years, and plans for future

“We stand on the shoulders of giants!” said President Andy Pallotta in his address to more than 1,300 delegates as he kicked off the 50th annual NYSUT Representative Assembly at the Albany Capital Center. It was a weekend for delegates to celebrate the history and look to the future. Attendees acted on dozens of resolutions to set a course for action, including a move to support Ukraine in its struggle against the Russian invasion. Gov. Hochul, Comptroller DiNapoli, AG Tish James and more special guests inspired the gathering. Go to


Livestream program commemorates Black History Month

NYSUT’s Many Threads, One Fabric social justice initiative presented an online event this week to mark Black History Month. Hosted by Secretary-Treasurer Philippe Abraham, it focused on the unique struggles underrepresented groups face with regard to mental health and wellness in the United States. Other highlights included award presentations to BHM honorees, testimonials from NYSUT members and artistic expressions from students and community partners.

Take action! Urge


Today I was informed of the passing of Diana Conroy, our former Assistant Superintendent. Earlier this year many of you signed cards which were delivered to Diana in March 2020. She was both surprised and honored to receive so many well-wishes. Thank you all for demonstrating the caring spirit that binds our Association together.

As you begin the new school year continue to care for each other. That spirit will serve you well as you adapt to the changes needed to teach in the current environment. Celebrate Diana Conroy's life by being the best educator you can be!

Feel free to share your


Due to the school closures, we have cancelled the March meeting. All business will be handled with the Executive team electronically/phone until further notice. NYSUT has shut down all operations until May 15th, 2020 as well.

Our next meeting, April 23rd, 2020, will be via videochat. Look for information on how to participate on the website and via email.

Stay safe at home and keep us informed here if you are having issues that need our attention. 

Questions and Concerns